Hearing Loss Signs for Musicians
Musicians are at a higher risk of hearing loss than the average population. Thankfully, if you are a musician, there are steps you can take to protect your ears and keep playing the music you love. Hearing Loss is Common for Musicians In 2017, researchers studied 125 musicians with at least five years of professional…
Sleep Apnea and Hearing Loss: Understanding the Connection
If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you might not know that this condition could be putting your hearing health at risk. Below, we explore the relationship between sleep apnea and hearing loss, along with tips on managing both. What Is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is a disorder that affects breathing during sleep, often…
Can Hearing Loss Affect Your Memory?
Hearing loss affects more than your ability to understand sounds. Among other things, studies have shown that hearing loss is associated with reduced memory capacity. Hearing Loss Causes Mental Fatigue Hearing loss makes your brain work harder to understand sound. It forces you to use more concentration just to follow the conversation at work or…
Managing ENT Conditions During Pregnancy
Pregnancy introduces a variety of changes to your body, including hormonal fluctuations that can impact your ear, nose and throat (ENT) health. Here’s an overview of some typical ENT conditions that may arise during pregnancy, along with tips on how to manage the symptoms. Nasal Congestion and Pregnancy Rhinitis It’s common for pregnant people to…
The Connection Between Loud Noise Exposure and Hypertension
It’s well known that exposure to loud noise can damage hearing, but what many people don’t realize is that it can also have significant effects on overall health, particularly when it comes to blood pressure. A 2023 study showed a connection between continued loud noise exposure and hypertension, a condition that can lead to serious…
How Hearing Aids Can Help You Rediscover Your Favorite Activities
Hearing aids are more than just devices to help with hearing loss; they can also enhance your overall experience of life, including how you participate in, rediscover and adopt new hobbies. By improving your hearing, these devices can open up new opportunities. Hearing loss rarely happens suddenly. Age-related and noise-induced hearing loss typically occurs gradually…
Traveling with Hearing Aids: Tips for a Hassle-Free Trip
When traveling, you may not have thought about the extra consideration you may need to take for your hearing aids. Knowing a few tactics and a little preparation can help you avoid mishaps and help with a smooth trip for the nearly 28.8 million Americans who could benefit from them. Before you embark on your…
What To Know About Conductive Hearing Loss
When your audiologist diagnoses you with hearing loss, they will identify it as sensorineural (inner ear), conductive (outer and middle ear) or mixed (a combination of both). The type of hearing loss and its cause will determine the best treatment approach. Let’s explore conductive hearing loss, its common causes and how hearing aids can effectively…
Dr. Marsha Reuther Honored by Inspire Institute Excellence Committee
Dr. Marsha Reuther of San Diego ENT is the first female provider in California to be recognized as an Inspire Excellence Program Member. Inspire is an FDA-approved obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treatment option for people who cannot use Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy. OSA affects 22 million Americans. Unfortunately, many go untreated, which can…
Tips To Protect Your Hearing Aids From the Summer Heat
With the school year finally coming to a close, you and your family may find yourselves swarming to La Jolla Shores Beach, heading to the zoo or sitting down for picnics at the park. However you like to enjoy the summer heat, it’s important to consider how it affects your hearing aids. How Does the…