Understanding the Link Between Ear Infections and Muffled Hearing
Ear infections, or otitis media, are incredibly common, especially among children aged eight and under. While ear pain is a well-known symptom, some people may also notice that their hearing is muffled during an ear infection. Why Do Ear Infections Muffle Hearing? Ear infections primarily affect the middle ear, the section behind the eardrum that…
How Hearing Aids Can Help You Rediscover Your Favorite Activities
Hearing aids are more than just devices to help with hearing loss; they can also enhance your overall experience of life, including how you participate in, rediscover and adopt new hobbies. By improving your hearing, these devices can open up new opportunities. Hearing loss rarely happens suddenly. Age-related and noise-induced hearing loss typically occurs gradually…
Can Action Movies Cause Hearing Loss?
Action movies are known for their thrill and immersive experience, especially when seen in a theater. However, moviegoers likely rarely consider how the sounds accompanying the scenes could impact their hearing. Continued exposure to loud noises is known to cause hearing loss. In fact, exposure to sounds louder than 70 decibels (dB) could cause damage…
How Does Otosclerosis Affect Your Hearing?
Otosclerosis is a condition affecting more than three million Americans wherein abnormal bone remodeling causes hearing disruption. Bone remodeling is a recurring lifelong process during which old bone tissue is replaced with new. Otosclerosis occurs when the new bone tissue grows abnormally and blocks or disrupts the path of sound through your ear canal. What…
Study Finds COVID-19 Can Directly Affect Inner Ear
For the past two years, doctors, researchers and other scientists have been looking into the causes and effects of COVID-19. Fortunately, we’re seeing cases dropping and life at Downtown and the Gaslamp Quarter returning to something that closer resembles “normal” as we learn more about the virus. One more recent discovery is that the novel…
What is an Acoustic Neuroma?
If you are having headaches, trouble hearing in one ear, or feeling unsteady during walks through Ruocco Park, make an appointment with your medical provider. While there are numerous conditions that could be causing these symptoms, one rare possibility is that you have an acoustic neuroma. These are benign tumors that develop on the vestibulocochlear…