What To Expect From A Tonsillectomy
A tonsillectomy is one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States. It involves the removal of the tonsils located at the back of the throat. This surgery is performed to address recurring or severe tonsillitis, sleep-disordered breathing issues or complications arising from enlarged tonsils. If you or your child has an upcoming…
Why Do We Stutter?
While often overlooked, stuttering has recently come into the mainstream after President Joe Biden made his speech disorder public. Understanding why a stutter occurs can help you seek appropriate treatment for yourself or your child. What Is a Stutter? Speech disorders make speaking smoothly difficult or impossible. One of the most common types of speech…
Experiencing “Vape Tongue?”
With the rise in popularity of vaping, there is a growing number of vape-related illnesses. One of the lesser known side effects of using a vape is the feeling of desensitization of a person’s tongue, known as “vape tongue.” What Is Vaping? According to the Center on Addiction, vaping is the “act of inhaling and…
Sore Throat or Strep? How to Tell the Difference.
‘Tis the season for holiday music, eggnog, New Year’s resolutions…and sore throats. Colds, flu and upper respiratory infections are common this time of year in San Diego, and the first sign is often a painful, scratchy throat. But how can you be sure it’s just a sore throat or something more serious, like strep? Symptoms…